Rajab is ending and our final wishes and doas

Rajab is ending and our final wishes and doas

The month of Rajab, which is the seventh month of the Islamic lunar calendar, is a blessed month as a whole. It was regarded as one of the four sacred months (al-Ashhur al-Hurum) in which battles were prohibited in the time of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace).

Allah Most High says:

“The number of months in the sight of Allah is twelve (in a year) so ordained by Him the day He created the heavens and the earth. Of them four are sacred.” (Surah al-Tawbah, 9:36)

All we need in rajab is peace and being peaceful not only to one another but within ourselves.

We wish you had a good rajab and have a healthy road of event ahead of you now that rajab is ending.

We pray for on another to have a blessing Shaban and Ramadan. Be the best version of our selves and help others to gain to their best as well.

We wish all wars in the world ends and everybody lives a peaceful and lovely life on earth.

See every moment as the last moment you have to appreciate life and your healthiness and do the best thing for you and your family and your community and your world.

27th Rajab Mobarak

27th Rajab Mobarak

27th Rajab is a highly blessed night / day called ‘laylat al-mab`ath’,which stands for the beginning of the Holy Prophet’s Mission of promulgating the true religion of Almighty Allah On this day, the Holy Prophet (saws)was appointed for conveying the Divine Mission of Almighty Allah when Archangel Gabriel first came to him with the Divine Revelation. Many muslims around the world have Ghusl (bath) on this day.& observe Fasting.